Hydroseeding vs Broadcast or Drill Seeding

  • Better moisture retention equals faster germination
  • Mulch and tackifier protects from soil erosion during the seed germination and establishment process
  • Easier labor in areas that don’t have easy access or are not easily walkable
  • Seed germinates in the hydro mulch and then roots take to soil, so often topsoil prep and quality is not as vital for establishment, especially for temporary cover crops


Hydroseeding vs Sod

  • Lower initial cost for you and your customers
  • Better quality results in a single season of growth and establishment, often for 1/3rd of the cost or less
  • Less watering required for establishment
  • Hydroseed adapts and grows to your soil and growing conditions, sod is used to growing in different soil and growing conditions and must then adapt to the environment in which it is installed, often resulting in less ideal results long term.
  • Seed germinates in the hydro mulch and then roots take to soil, so often topsoil prep and quality is not as vital for establishment, especially for temporary cover crops.